• Mumbai
  • info@mhcgrp.com
  • +91 9833896774

In-Home Nursing Service

Afterward, it may occur when you visit the hospital or when the hospital travels to you! You can receive the greatest nursing care from MHC Home Healthcare services in the convenience of your own home. With the development of home nursing services, hospital-level care may now be delivered to patients effectively at home. Trauma patients in the recovery stage require long-term or short-term specialist treatment. Home nursing firms perform the necessary tasks more skillfully and affordably than hospitals do, as opposed to taking up beds in hospitals. Having a cheerful face while serving the patients benefits them. Home nursing services are created to offer all required services in the patient's comfort zone.


When do you need our In-Home Nursing Services



Assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and result evaluation are all included in post-surgical care. The objective is to avoid problems like infections, hasten the healing of the surgical incision, and restore the patient's health. After procedures, patients require care. It has been observed that patients heal more quickly at home where they have access to all medical facilities and the emotional and psychological support of family members. Post-operative care is crucial and should be handled by specialists.


In the area of diabetes, MHC Home Healthcare services provides the greatest care attainable. The following are the services we provide as part of our home diabetes care programme: diet advisor, collection of blood samples, medication home delivery, doctor visits, injection practises, patient monitoring, and We have many plans to reduce the growing burden of diabetes and treat the related problems. We oversee medicine administration and take care of the patient's nutritional needs.


Since foreign objects can penetrate the skin and cause internal harm, wound care is a difficult process that calls for extensive attention. Wound treatment is essential, especially for diabetic patients whose impaired immune system and reduced capacity for healing make them more vulnerable.


To improve the quality of life for our patients with life-threatening illnesses is our aim in palliative care. MHC Home Healthcare services addresses disease and treatment-related symptoms and side effects. We also support the family spiritually, practically, socially, and emotionally. We educate families about treatment options for difficult medical illnesses. We also suggest financial counselling to families. Palliative care may be helpful if you or someone close to you is dealing with a serious illness. Palliative care is available at any stage of a patient's disease. Palliative care raises your quality of life and enables you to feel more content with your medical care.


Your body requires oxygen in order to function. Ordinarily, the oxygen in the air we breathe is absorbed by our lungs, however under certain circumstances, our body's affinity for oxygen absorption decreases. Both acute and chronic illnesses like trauma, haemorrhage, shock, dyspnea, pulmonary disorders, and more call for the administration of oxygen. As oxygen administration is crucial to the early detection of demands, our services focus on this area.


A nebulizer transforms liquid medication into inhalable particles that can be inhaled. One method of respiratory care is nebulization. The drug is administered by MHC Home Healthcare services using a nebulizer. Most people with COPD, asthma, and nasal congestion need to use nebulizers on a daily basis. Our nurses are competent and offer thorough preparation while informing patients and consumers.


An obstruction caused by a foreign body, a large tongue, a small jaw, or other airway issues necessitates Tracheostomy care. the Pierre Robin and Treacher Collins syndromes, Vocal cord paralysis (VCP), subglottic stenosis, subglottic web, laryngeal damage, or spasms. Our team at MHC Home Healthcare services is properly educated to give care at home so you can avoid unnecessary hospital visits.


We provide you with injection/vaccination services from our team of highly skilled and certified nurses in the convenience of your own home. You can save time, money on the hospital bill, and stress by using infusion treatment, which is also offered by trained staff.


Our in-home nurse is skilled and qualified to assist those who have trouble naturally urinating. Intermittent, external, and indwelling catheters are all things we offer. For all age groups, a day care nurse or private nurse is available.